(15 gallons)

homemade Kentucky beer


Use 15-gallon plastic garbage can with clip on lid. You need:

  • Approximately 6 oz. hops
  • 3 lbs. extract of malt
  • 9 lbs. granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon molasses
  • 1-1/2 teaspoons granulated yeast.


  1. Place in vessel with approximately 2 gallons water, or more if vessel is large enough and bring to boil.
  2.  Reduce the heat to a simmer for about 45 minutes. During this time, steep the hops in the liquid because they will float to the top; otherwise, the taste will be too faint.
  3. Put malt, raw sugar, and molasses into plastic bin.
  4.  Strain hops liquid through parachute silk or cheesecloth to remove all sediment and add liquid to contents of bin.
  5. Stir thoroughly with wooden paddle to completely dissolve malt and sugar into liquid.
  6. Place the bin in a position where it can be kept for a week undisturbed at 70°F. Fill up with lukewarm water to within 2 inches of top of container.
  7. Temperature of brew now be about 70 to 80°F. Sprinkle yeast evenly over surface and seal. Beer will work for 7 to 10 days.
  8. A thick white broth will appear after the first 8 hours and gradually die, towards the end of the time.
  9. Take 8 dozen clean 26 oz. bottles, and put one level teaspoon of white sugar into each bottle.
  10. Drain off liquid into bottles taking care not to disturb too much. (This will disturb sediment and make liquid cloudy).
  11. Cap bottles tightly and correctly and store upright for 3 weeks minimum.
  12.  Cool in refrigerator in upright position and pour gently into glass mug for serving.
  13. Sediments will form in bottle If beer is too lively, too much yeast has been added or if bottled before, it had ceased working.
  14.  Soften the Flavor of beer by adding 4 oz. of barley to the hops when bottling.
  15. Color can be darkened by increasing amount of molasses.
  16. Your local health food store is where you can buy your ingredients. Follow directions and be careful.

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